Be sure not to stray too far away from any creations you've made using the Ultra Hand tool.If you ever spot birds circling in the air far off in the distance, be sure to investigate, as they usually congregate around a point of interest or cave entrance that’s worth your while.Choose “select for recipe” to see every recipe you’ve gotten that uses that material, and to automatically hold all the ingredients you need for it! As long as you have them, of course. To recreate a recipe, go to the Materials tab and select a material you know is in the recipe you want to make.More importantly, this can also be done for meals other people give you as rewards, or for elixirs found in chests! Lucky for you, there’s a new option to view a meal’s recipe when selecting it, as well as any variation you may have made. There are a lot of recipes in Tears of the Kingdom worth cooking up, and it’s easy to forget exactly how you made that exquisite fried rice dish you saw a recipe poster for in some random place.
Just starting out? Don't miss Things to Do First in TotK 14 Things Tears of the Kingdom Doesn't Tell You